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Intentional Living is understanding why you do something and being content in the reason.

Why are you in this job?

Why did you buy that thing?

Why are you friends with so and so?

Note how your answers make you feel? Do they make sense? Are they confusing or conflicting? Did you struggle to answer some of these questions?

Living with intention means closely examining your choices in life and, if you’re not happy with what you see, making changes accordingly.


Living with intention isn't about being better than anyone else or having everything figured out. It's about purpose. Finding it and understanding the purpose behind each decision you make. You can have intentions without knowing the end result - this is okay. Its a journey. For example:

"I am exercising because I want more energy to get through the day"

can be the starting point to:

"I am exercising because I want to be healthy and live a long life" or even "I want to run a marathon in 10 years time".

See how the smaller intention is a gateway to the larger picture? Start small and your bigger goals will be more realistic and achievable.


Intentional living is about making the decision every day to live the life you want most. If you don’t have the resources, like time or money, It’s fine to start small. Sometimes it’s even better that way because consistency and perseverance are what matter most in the long run.

For example, if you want to be an artist, you could make the big decision to take an art course. It’s a lovely opportunity, but please know that this act, on its own, will not change the course of your life or make you an artist.

You become an artist by picking up a paintbrush, or a sketchbook, and making art every day(even if it sucks). You can do this at art school, or you can do it at your kitchen counter while your kids are napping. Putting in the work.

Now a word of warning: intentional living is not about perfection. You will fall off the wagon, you will make mistakes, and there will probably be times when you go months without doing the things you love. Life comes in seasons, so be kind to yourself. In a sense, getting lost and finding a way back to your purpose is part of intentional living. It’s a lifelong practice—with an emphasis on the practice. It’s asking yourself, every day, “What can I do that will point me in the direction of my dreams?”


And your core is your values.

Values are not one size fits all, everyones will differ in some ways. If you have no idea what your core values are, start by thinking of moments when you’ve felt proud or happy, and then dig around. Generally, we feel good when we are living and acting in line with our values, and we feel bad when we violate our values.

When you know your core values, you can make sure the life you’re living on the outside matches what your heart is saying on the inside. This is where the magic begins!


Intentional living is about being honest and doing what feels right for you. There are no right or wrong answers as long as you’re true to your authentic self.

Don’t compare your life to friends, family, or strangers on the Internet. Stop judging yourself against an arbitrary timeline for success. Instead, consider this your permission slip to create your own schedule.

It’s about tuning out the expectations and the noise and instead, making a conscious decision to elevate your life priorities—even when the world is trying to distract you.

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