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The GOLDEN Rule with Social Media Content

Shhh, we’re going to let you into a secret and tell you the GOLDEN rule for your social media content. It’s as simple as this:

The content that you share, should do one of these 3 things for your target audience: Entertain, Educate & Inspire.

So what does that mean? I know what you’re thinking: how are you supposed to SELL anything if all you’re doing is one of the above? Here’s how:

1. Any social media platform contains an algorithm. The algorithm predicts what you want to see on your feed, based on posts you’ve been interested in in the past. I.e. If you’re a car fanatic and show an interest in a lot of car posts, your feed will be filled with cars! You’ll also notice that your friends and other pages you interact with a lot will be displayed at the top of your feed when you open the platform.

2. So from a business perspective it’s important to show your dream customer what they WANT to see from your page. If it’s something that they don’t care about or that provides value to them, they won’t engage with it and therefore the algorithm will stop showing them your posts.

3. To engage with your audience and more importantly keep them engaged, it’s important to utilise the Entertain, Educate or Inspire rule - whilst selling your products & services.

Let’s explain:

Entertain - There are many ways to entertain your audience whilst selling your products and service. A great example is memes. Create or share a meme that resonates with your audience and in the caption drop in a ‘call to action’.

Example: A cleaning company could share an image of a quote along the lines of “keeping the house clean whilst working and looking after kids, is like brushing your teeth and eating Oreos”. In the caption they can write “is this relatable? Are you sick of trying to do everything? - speak to us about our domestic cleaning service today”.

Educate - Offering value to your target customer is a huge way to generate sales and keep your audience captivated. Create a ‘quick tip’ video to show you’re a professional in your industry whilst enticing them to find out more about what you do.

Example: A nail technician can share a quick tutorial on how to look after your nails in-between appointments and in the caption mention that they have upcoming availability on ‘x’ date. The video provides value to the target customer, shows the audience that the nail technician knows what they are talking about and it is still selling in a subtle way.

Inspire - Inspire is a broader way to captivate your dream customer and there are many ways to do so. Inspirational posts should be those that make the person stop and think, “I want to know more about that!”

Examples: Great pics of what you do, videos of the behind the scenes of your business, positive feedback, videos and reels of what you do, people in your place of work or business, pictures of you or staff & great snaps of your place of work or business.

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